Social Media / Background Investigation


Desktop social media and background investigations can prove invaluable in mitigating exposure on a claim. Daniel J. Hannon & Associates, Inc. digs deep to assist your company or firm in uncovering that evidence.

bgcheckBackground Investigation

Do you have a claimant that may have a side business or be involved in sports or hobbies in which they should be physically unable to participate?

Our desktop investigation can unlock information which is not accessible to the general public. Businesses, other employment, property ownership, criminal records and other information that claimants may not share with you can be uncovered using these methods.

socialSocial Media Investigation

Is your claimant engaging in activities contrary to their alleged disability?

Our social media investigation consists of exhaustive and old fashioned investigative searches through multiple social media databases and sites.

DataDeep Data Mining

DJH uses a proprietary program developed by former FBI and intelligence officials as well as attorneys familiar with evidence collection and collation.

The program can mine data across several different social media and internet communication platforms in real time. The speed and functionality is unmatched in the data mining arena.

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